Extensive selection; needs more work
As far as I know, there is no poetry app in the App Store with a broader selection of work, but this app has major deficiencies (and there is no obvious developer support contact info for feature requests, etc. on the app webpage, which is disappointing).
It is a young app, though, and has a ton of potential. For now, I would describe it as beta quality, but with promise.
So, some notes:
1) the apps content organization/discoverability is a huge limiting factor. There is a list of maybe a dozen major poets and a Poems About index, but no way to access the larger catalog other than to search for a specific name. There is no good way to browse the selection.
2) there is currently a brutal search bug, which doesnt let you see more than the top 5 listed poets. Hopefully this is temporary.
3) this app would really benefit from some sort of bookmark or favoriting system—as of now there is no way to mark a poem to make it easier to find in the future.
4) the ads are obtrusive and poorly implemented—they cause all sorts of interface problems, especially with scrolling. It would be nice if there was an in-app purchase to remove them.
benjfriedrich about